Tag: raw



Draga tati,


Mi-e dor de tine.

Tare dor.

Aseara ar fi trebuit sa zbor acasa de Craciun. Sa ma asteptati la aeroport, cum faceati de obicei. Sa ma strangi in brate si sa ma mangai pe cap si sa mergem cu masina o ora, vorbind felurite. Sa petrecem Craciunul si Revelionul impreuna si sa incepem noul an…

Am aprins o lumanare si m-am rugat pentru tine.

E straniu, serile trecute ma gandeam ca esti acolo si ca ti-e frig…era o seara rece si cetoasa. Si apoi…

Stii, nu e corect. Nimic din toate astea nu e corect. Cand ma gandesc la asta, simt toata furia aia cum mi se ridica din stomac din nou si imi vine sa arunc cu ceva cu toata forta.

Ma intreb cum rezista oamenii in fata pierderii. Ce coping mechanism are fiecare.

Dupa care ma gandesc ca nu mai are sens sa ma intreb.

M-am gandit sa iti scriu. Poate ajuta. Poate nu. Oricum, asta am simtit ca trebuie sa fac. Sa te simt cat de cat aproape. Sa simt ca nu ai plecat de tot…

Sunt fericita in sfarsit. Simt liniste, pace, impacare. Dragoste. Foarte multa dragoste. Si sunt recunoscatoare pentru asta, pentru ca stiu cat e de rar sa simti asta cu adevarat.

Privesc spre noul an cu incredere si speranta.

In ciuda a tot si a toate.


Cu drag,







She is your average person, and yet so much more. A daughter, sister, friend, colleague, someone’s best friend, a girl, a woman. She is fire and ice, passion and indifference.

She can be both pragmatic and idealist – just like she can switch from one foreign language to another.

She has known sadness and happiness, extreme pain and utter joy. She has had her heart broken and yet she hasn’t lost hope.

She has made mistakes like everyone else but she has learnt from them – she didn’t mean to cause any harm in all her mistakes.

She has been down and she has been high – oh, so high – and now she is confident that everything will be ok. She learnt to let go and stop trying to control things. To have trust – she feels more powerful than ever before. Fearless.

She has come to find out that there is something greater than us out there – God. She felt his comforting presence in her dreams and all around her in the hardest moments of her life.

She learnt from a very tender age that life is a gift – the most precious gift of all. One that cannot be toyed with. She lost loved people in her life but she learnt to move on and live with the pain and accept that this is just how life works. She learnt that we only have one life and that we should make the most of it and live it beautifully, based on our principles.

She is so many things but the most important of all, she is true to herself. And that is more than enough.